Discovering Hidden Beauty: Reflections from a Winter Walk

Here in the Eastern United States, we're nearing the end of winter. Despite the last two days of unseasonably warm weather, our landscape still appears mostly dormant from afar. Yet, upon closer inspection, the budding trees and emerging daffodil stems hint at the awakening life beneath. Compelled by the warmer temperatures, I ventured into our … Continue reading Discovering Hidden Beauty: Reflections from a Winter Walk

Eternal Newness: Seeing the World Anew Each Day

Albert Einstein once posited, “For us physicists, the distinction between past, present, and future is only a stubbornly persistent illusion." This insight offers a profound perspective on the fluidity of time, an observation that became strikingly clear to me today. Gazing out my window, I witnessed the ephemeral dance of sunlight across the rear facade … Continue reading Eternal Newness: Seeing the World Anew Each Day